Legyen tiétek az olaszországi tengerparti nyaralás!
május 4, 2011
Búvárkodás Horvátországban
május 10, 2011
Legyen tiétek az olaszországi tengerparti nyaralás!
május 4, 2011
Búvárkodás Horvátországban
május 10, 2011

Remember the time your friend was nominated Mr. Belly Dance on your holiday in Egypt? Or when your grandpa fell asleep on his mattress and floated out to the middle of Lake Balaton? If you have funny holiday anecdotes like these, don’t keep them to yourself; Share them and be the lucky one to win a trailer trip to Italy!

Any plans for summer? No? How about a week at the coast of Lignano in a luxurious trailer? With a bit of luck you and your friends or families can enjoy their holidays in the Sabbioadoro camping park from June 30th to July 7th. If you’d like to take part in the winning game presented by German trailer producer Knaus Tabbert all you have to do is think of the funniest thing that’s happened to you holiday abroad. Any story or anecdote could make you one of two lucky winners. And if you send a photo with it, all the better! Write your story down in roughly 1000 characters and send it to knaustabbert.hu@gmail.com until June 5th. Don’t forget to attach your name, address and mobile number so you can be contacted if you win, and think about a nick name under which you’d like your story to be published. Your anecdote will be uploaded to this blog. Then it’s up to the jury to decide. They’ll follow the incoming applications and comment on them occasionally. By June 5th they’ll decide who gets to be the winner.

You can also manipulate the jury in their choice by being “liked”: Your story gets shared on other websites like Facebook and iwiw and the more “likes” you get, the more “likely” you are to win the trip! Important note; you have to organize the trip to Italy yourself, only the accommodation is provided for free. If you win, you’ll have to present your holiday impressions with a photo, a short video and a short report in a daily interval during your trip.

Applications to knaustabbert.hu@gmail.com

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